TEDx San Diego
About Project
The theme was Created Future(s) and was centered around the 7.4 billion humans contributing together to create a collective future together!
We created a mixture of hand drawn illustrations, and 3D animated scenes and elements that speak to the possibilities and technology of tomorrow from VR – to – nanotechnology – to – living off planet and beyond! I wanted to generate interest and amazement at the power that humans can have on the future when they work together towards common goals. The stylized scenes show that anything is possible from the obvious to the not so obvious and is intended to inspire wonder and thought.
TEDxSanDiego brings together a collection of doers, thinkers, innovators, creatives, explorers, visionaries, teachers and learners, then seeks to illuminate, inspire and activate those individuals as a way to expand horizons, change perceptions, incite action and foster new connections.
As a local not-for-profit, volunteer-driven organization, TEDxSanDiego wouldn’t be possible without all the efforts and contributions of our team members & partners who commit their time and passion, as well as their financial and intellectual support to create a remarkable TEDxSanDiego experience.
Direction – Mark Loveitt
Music – Ed Kornhauser
Illustration – Dane Danner
Production, Animation – Gary Tussey
For more information contact me@garytussey.com